London Biggin Hill Airport is the only dedicated Business and General Aviation airport in London and specialises in meeting the growing demand for non-scheduled air transport services and private flights. It is located 12 miles from London city centre and just 6 minutes by the airport helicopter shuttle link to The London Heliport on the Thames.
SINCE 1917
Established in 1917, the airport celebrates more than a century of history, characterised by innovation, technological change and achievement.
This former Royal Air Force fighter airfield, with its famous Battle of Britain history, is in South East London and boasts a proud heritage.

The Biggin Hill Heritage Hanger (BHHH) affords you the opportunity to fly in an iconic two-seat Spitfire and we can highly recommend booking a ‘hangar tour’ www.flyaspitfire.com Dedicated to bringing Spitfires back to life, the facility is always home to at least 15 Spitfires at a time!
Over the last decade London Biggin Hill Airport has undergone tremendous growth and is today the fastest growing business aviation airport in the UK. More than £60 million of private investment in new hangars, including the 250,000 Sq ft Bombardier Customer Service Facility and infrastructure has attracted global business and there are today over 70 companies employing more than 1,250 people on the 500-acre site. As a result, London Biggin Hill Airport enjoys a first-rate reputation as a Business Aviation centre of excellence in the UK.
Today, London Biggin Hill Airport is firmly established as the key Gateway to London & the South East. The investment in creating ‘The Landing Hotel’ fulfils a commitment to establish vital services for our growing number of private aviation customers in particular, whilst supporting local businesses and our community.